Celebrating 10 years of 84 Recruitment
WOW! We did it!!!
Would you believe it – 84 turned 10 in September!
If the last 3 years taught us anything, it’s that nothing in business is guaranteed. One of the most profound things I’ve learnt over the last 10 years, is to be content. Well sort of. Anyone that knows me, knows I love a challenge and growth is in my DNA – I just cant sit still, its boring and I mean no one wants to flatline, or live a predictable life and be stable?
Thankfully I choose to be a recruitment company business owner, one with ups and downs – uncertain cashflow, difficult clients, staff challenges (who would of thought in a recruitment business) then there’s been celebrations, milestones hit and of course the overwhelming thought of achievement after 10 years hard graft from scratch! To now, being a team of 18 with growth plans for this quarter and beyond. I couldn’t be prouder of the team we’ve built and all that is to come in the next 10 years.
The saying is true, good people bring good people and I couldn’t be happier coming to work to see the caliber of people that make 84. Their commitment to take this business forward inspires me every day to push harder, to dream bigger and realise our potential.
Of course we would be nothing with out our candidates that trust us with their career journey, we are so very lucky to have you!
Finally my market snapshot is this - Confidence is BACK! Those that know me, know I’m the eternal optimist, trust me though I have facts to confirm it’s true. We’ve just experienced our busiest month ever (in the middle of a 'recession') so we’re either over performing in tough times OR the tide has changed, perhaps its both?
I absolutely love what we do and I'm stoked to share what we get up to in the next 10 years!!!