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​10 Tips to staying motivated in a challenging job market

In today's dynamic job market, navigating the waves of uncertainty can be daunting, especially when opportunities seem scarce and the job hunt becomes draining. At 84 Recruitment, we understand the frustrations you might face and the importance of staying motivated throughout the journey. We sat down with Senior Consultant, Lewis Fegen to get his insight and perspective to help keep things optimistic that will also help you land your dream role.

1. Set clear goals

Begin your job search journey by defining clear and achievable goals. Whether it's securing a specific role, advancing your career in a particular industry, or gaining new skills, setting milestones gives you something tangible to work towards. Break down your goals into smaller tasks to maintain momentum and celebrate each accomplishment along the way.

2. Embrace continuous learning

In a competitive job market, skills are your currency. Stay ahead by investing in your own professional learning and development. Explore online courses, workshops, or certifications relevant to your field. Not only does this enhance your expertise, but it also demonstrates your commitment to growth and adaptability to potential employers.

3. Network, Network, Network

Networking remains at the cornerstone of successful job hunting. Get out there and expand your professional network through platforms like LinkedIn, industry events, and local meetups. Engage in conversations, seek advice from peers, and don't hesitate to ask for introductions, word of mouth is also a great way to catch up or get a foot in that interview room. Building genuine relationships can uncover hidden job opportunities and provide valuable insights into company cultures. “Networking is vital to success, especially in a challenging job market. You can’t always expect for your CV to find its way into the right hands and stand out from the bunch. Meeting face to face with decision makers at a business you want to work for shows you are 3 steps ahead!

4. Stay organised and persistent

Maintain a structured approach to your job search. Create a schedule for researching companies, tailoring resumes, and following up on applications. Persistence is key—rejection is part of the process, but each set back brings you closer to the right opportunity. So keep your head up and continue refining your approach based on feedback and adapt to market trends.

5. Seek guidance from professionals

Don’t be afraid to reach out and get some help from the team here at 84 Recruitment, agencies are your allies in navigating the job market maze.

In Lewis’ experience he has worked with many candidates over the years and shared that “working with a professional recruitment consultant can be invaluable for market insight, encouragement & support throughout the application and interview processes. It is important to align yourself with the right consultant, someone who genuinely has your best interest at heart and doesn’t just want to fill a role.

Why not leverage the expertise of the 84 team, whether it’s resume optimisation, interview preparation, or industry insights. We can connect you with exclusive job openings and provide valuable feedback to enhance your candidacy.

6. Celebrate the small wins

Despite the challenges, celebrate every win, even the small ones. Whether it's landing an interview, receiving positive feedback, or expanding your skill set, acknowledge your progress. Reward yourself for staying committed and resilient—it fuels your motivation for the next steps in your career journey. It will pay off!

7. Maintain a positive mindset

Job searching can be emotionally taxing, but maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and mentors who uplift and encourage you. Practice self-care routines to stay mentally and physically healthy. Visualise your success and believe in your capabilities—it's a powerful motivator in achieving your career goals. “With every setback there will be learnings & connections made. Sometimes being rejected is only a timing issue or for the best in the long run. Persistence will always bring success!

Once you land that role, you will eventually look back and think that it was worth it.

8. Explore freelancing or contract opportunities

In a challenging job market, consider exploring freelance or contract work. These opportunities not only provide income but also expand your professional network and skill set. Many temporary roles can lead to permanent positions and offer flexibility in your career path.

Here’s what Lewis had to say about this - “In a tough economic climate it can be attractive to employers to take staff on contract as there is less risk to a business. Although not always ideal or possible, contract work has many benefits including the position to move to a permanent position in the future and a very recent professional reference!

9. Stay informed and adapt

Stay updated on industry trends, market demands, and economic shifts. Adapt your job search strategy accordingly by targeting growing sectors or emerging roles. Research companies that align with your values and career aspirations. Being informed, positions you as a knowledgeable and proactive candidate, making you stand out amongst the rest.

10. Reflect and refine

Periodically reflect on your job search strategy and achievements by evaluating what's working well and areas of improvement. Solicit feedback from mentors or recruitment professionals to refine your approach. Continuous refinement enhances your competitiveness and resilience in the job market and will likely improve your chances.

A step forward is a step closer

It’s no surprise that navigating a challenging job market requires resilience, optimism, and strategic planning. By setting clear goals, embracing learning opportunities, leveraging networks, and staying positive, you empower yourself to overcome obstacles and attract rewarding career opportunities. Remember, every step forward—no matter how small—is a step closer to achieving your professional aspirations. Stay motivated, stay focused, and your perseverance will pay off.

The team here at 84 Recruitment are always keen to help you reach your career goals, or give you industry insight. Want support from the team? Email us at or give us a call 09 391 8484